Japanese TV
I've just finished watching the "Friday Night Movie" which, since this is the highly nationalistic Japan, was obviously "Charlie's Angels".
Now, I'm watching an "evening comedy". I really don't know what else to call it, and I really have no idea what it is: a man was getting on an elevator (I think he's a "famous" comedian), when he was abducted by a half dozen men in police uniforms. He was tied up, and forced to ride a donkey out into the country, where a well-dressed young woman with a microphone directed him to a summer ski jump, where, I guess, ski jumpers train in the summer. (I've seen one of these in Lake Placid, about 8 years ago.) Somehow, somewhere, three schoolgirls were added to the mix. I'm not sure why. They may by ski jumpers themselves; I'm not sure. Meanwhile, other "famous celebrities" watch this poor fellow's exploits from the safety of a TV studio. I'm watching celebrities watching schoolgirls watching a kidnapped and humiliated comedian as he attempts to not die while going down a ski jump. Three times.
TV here is madness, and not in a good way.
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