Saturday, October 15, 2005

Japanese TV

I've just finished watching the "Friday Night Movie" which, since this is the highly nationalistic Japan, was obviously "Charlie's Angels".

Now, I'm watching an "evening comedy". I really don't know what else to call it, and I really have no idea what it is: a man was getting on an elevator (I think he's a "famous" comedian), when he was abducted by a half dozen men in police uniforms. He was tied up, and forced to ride a donkey out into the country, where a well-dressed young woman with a microphone directed him to a summer ski jump, where, I guess, ski jumpers train in the summer. (I've seen one of these in Lake Placid, about 8 years ago.) Somehow, somewhere, three schoolgirls were added to the mix. I'm not sure why. They may by ski jumpers themselves; I'm not sure. Meanwhile, other "famous celebrities" watch this poor fellow's exploits from the safety of a TV studio. I'm watching celebrities watching schoolgirls watching a kidnapped and humiliated comedian as he attempts to not die while going down a ski jump. Three times.

TV here is madness, and not in a good way.


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