Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday

Well, I'm back. ¥18,000 (~$175) in for the new hard drive, ¥19,800 (~$190) for the old drive "repair", and I'm back in the saddle again. The good news is my new hard drive is almost three times as big (80Gb compared to 30Gb) as the last one. I also bought a 40Gb external drive, for a back-up, from former upstairs neighbor and all-around cool guy Conrad (mad props. yo.) who so kindly left about 17 million songs on it for me to peruse. Sweet as.

Anyway, yes, today is/was my birthday; the second of such anniversaries I have spent here. Man, the time flies! It's hard to believe I've been here just about 14 months already! Well, today was pretty non-eventful for the most part; even forgot it was my birthday until I was doing a lesson on talking about news reports, and when prompted a student replied that today was the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. *sigh* Right. Same day. That's how I remember.

BUT, work was over quickly - surprisingly so - and I was off like a light, came back home, chilled a bit, took a shower, then headed off to the hospital to see my friend Elaine...

...but that story is getting ahead of itself.

After the hospital, I met up with the wonderful Jo for drinks at a rooftop restaurant in Kanayama. She is such a sweet thing; she got me Murakami's "Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World" and a card (which far outshines my own meager offering of Austin Powers on VHS for her birthday), and also delivered a card from her mother, who had somehow remembered me. Bless. To Jo's mum, Mrs. H--, you've raised a wonderful young woman. Thank you.

My computer has just informed me that it has just passed 'late' and moved into 'ungodly', so I'll draw this to a close. Take care and be blessed in this next year; I'll write more soon, it's been a busy month.

-the older, wiser Thom In Japan

New updates will include:

SUMO: Rock You Like A Hurricane

FUJI-SAN: The Roof of the (Japanese) World



At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to have you back online happy birthday from your southern minnesota cousins. Kids went ti Dashboard confessional concert last monday, been really hot
and humid - last weekend over 100, mid 80s now - MUCH better...TTFN

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Thom!
Anne, et al

At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday mate! We got ourselves an external hard disk and I've setup an FTP server so we can swap lots of stuff! Email or MSN me at


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