Typhoon 7
Some of you know that a typhoon (or "hurricane" as they are known east of the International Date Line) hit Japan earlier this week. I'll just say that, for my first real "typhoon experience", it really didn't quite match the hype. I think it may have been produced by George Lucas.
Anyway, after a few sprinkles of rain, the air cleared, there was a rainbow, and then a glorious sunset. The next day was the clearest and driest that it's been in over a month. That was it. Hmm, not to be cocky, but I'd kind of like a few more typhoons this season. It was 95 degrees F today, and a brief walk to the bank and grocery store left me too tired to visit a highly-recommended coffee shop in Nagoya. It rained today too...just long enough to raise the humidity to DEATH. I'll take cooler, drier typhoon weather any day of the week.
Um, okay, rant over; here's apictures of the typhoon "aftermath"...