Around The World / New News-New Site
Well, I've finally achieved my dream of traveling around the world: landed in the tundra that is Newark last night, setting foot on US soil for the first time since last July, and completing my journey around the world Westward. Back to Minnesota next.
In other news, since I'm no longer in Japan I figured I needed a new blog to keep people updated on my various exploits (well, that, and I get 60+ nerd points). So for post-Japan news on Thom, direct your browsers (it looks nice in Firefox) to Thom Abroad: The Journals of a Minnesota Yankee in King Arthur's Court. It's guaranteed to be updated at least as often as this ill-fated diary, and even possibly entertaining. Stories about my time in the U.K., updates on my grad school applications, and photos will all prominently be displayed, along with witty comments from my various fans, friends, and family members (although the first category may not actually exist). Yes, I know; my narcissism disgusts me, too.
Thom In Japan will still exist, and even be updated occasionally as I finish posts and start others that I've been too lazy to start, so check back every now and again to see what else I did in/to Japan, and impressions that it made (some literally) on me.
Till then, I am faithfully yours,
T--> ny
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