New 'update'
Hey all,
Just a quickie: I'm still alive, and currently buzzing on half a pot of coffee - the real, honest-to-goodness American stuff! Yay!
Anyway, I'm conflicted again as to what I'm going to be doing next year: there are too many options, and I'm too apathetic for my own good. My AT (supervisor) talked to me a couple of weeks ago about staying at my current branch, which actually sounds pretty good: I like my students.
I still don't have internet, which has significantly reduced my ability to look at/for grad schools, both American and abroad. Hopefully internet will be available in the next couple of weeks. Grr. Stupid Japanese beaurocracy.
I've been battling a cold/sore throat for the past week or so. It's not too fun.
On the music front, Iain and I have been practicing quite a bit, so hopefully we'll be playing at Misfits sometime towards the end of March. We decided on 'Corduroy' for a band name so as to forewarn all of the fact that what they'll be seeing is two indie-looking guys with acoustic guitars. 'Flames for Gommorah' didn't quite have that effect. =)
I was up in Inuyama last week for practice, and afterwards Iain and I decided to take a little hike to see the countryside. To make a short story long, we ended up walking about four miles to try to find a bridge across a river so that we could explore a castle-like building that we'd never seen before, and ended up lost an hour's hike inside a forest, on our way to somewhere we thought we might be able to catch a train. As the sun was setting. Hahaha. It was a blast. The plan for next 'weekend' is to set out earlier with proper supplies and see just where the hell the 'trail' leads. =)
I believe that is all of the news that's fit to print. If you want more details, email me - I should be back online in about a week.
Peace to all,